Queen in Vinile
Flash Gordon (singolo LP)
Uscita Nº 23 del 25/06/2024
Periodicità: Quindicinale
Editore: RCS MediaGroup
Il prodotto è disponibile
€ 21,59
Flash Gordon - Tracklist
- A01 - Flash's Theme
- A02 - In The Space Capsule (The Love Theme)
- A03 - Ming's Theme (In The Court Of Ming The Merciless)
- A04 - The Ring (Hypnotic Seduction Of Dale)
- A05 - Football Fight
- A06 - In The Death Cell (Love Theme Reprise)
- A07 - Execution Of Flash
- A08 - The Kiss (Aura Resurrects Flash)
- B01 - Arboria (Planet Of The Tree Men)
- B02 - Escape From The Swamp
- B03 - Flash To The Rescue
- B04 - Vultan's Theme (Attack Of The Hawk Men)
- B05 - Battle Theme
- B06 - The Wedding March
- B07 - Marriage Of Dale And Ming (And Flash Approaching)
- B08 - Crash Dive On Mingo City
- B09 - Flash's Theme Reprise (Victory Celebrations)
- B10 - The Hero